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What we are all about

What we are all about

Welcome to Dovecote Dogs, the ultimate Dog training hub. We're here to show you how to make the most out of life with your furry friend. Join us for expert advice, tail-wagging adventures, and a whole lot of canine love. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!


Check out our introduction video to find out how our academy can change your Dogs life

What we have to offer
What we have to offer
What we have to offer
What we have to offer
What we have to offer

What we have to offer

With over 150 videos, a private community page and regular live streams, we are certain that our online academy is the place for you!

Dog training should not cost the earth and we believe it should be accessible for everybody. So at just £19.99 per month we are positive that we offer the maximum amount of value for your money!

Jason D

Jason D

Clare S

Clare S

Sarah T

Sarah T

Dovecote dogs has completely changed the way I train with my dog and the results have been astounding!

Taking my Daxie out to pubs is now a pleasure and not a chore!

We found Dovecote Dogs academy so insightful and it has transformed my dogs behaviour !

Join today for free with a 7 day free trial!
Join today for free with a 7 day free trial!

Join today for free with a 7 day free trial!

Join here


We also have other services to really help transform your life with your dog!


Our Private coaching offers you the maximum amount of support. It combines full access to our online academy with a private WhatsApp chat with ourselves to ensure you are always on track.


We also host regular in person workshops to give you the opportunity for some hands on learning. 

To find out more about our other services, follow us on social media or drop us a message!

Frequently Asking Questions

What is included in a subscription plan?

In the subscription plan you get access to all of our video content, plus a live Q&A once per month

Can I use my mobile phone?

You sure can! Our site is mobile friendly 

Can I cancel any time?

You can cancel at anytime by heading into your profile area